Monday, December 10, 2012

November 11

Underfoot went to piano acting completely normal. Just before I went to pick him up, the piano teacher's son called to ask me to bring new clothes for Underfoot because he threw up in the last few minutes of piano. Needless to say, the parent meeting was canceled so I'm not sure what he learned during class. He didn't throw up on the keyboard - thankfully! As we walked home from piano, he asked me to call EVERYONE we know to let them know that he had thrown up. He came home, crawled in bed, and eventually got better.

Last Saturday, Sweetheart and I told Hurricane he couldn't wear pull-ups anymore. He was to wear underwear all the time and did for the week. He had only one accident a day for the week. We are all excited that he can do it all the time!!!

I went to a Memory Conference to keep my license current. The conference was interesting because a lot of the research points to keeping physically health to keep the mind healthy and to remember things. The presenter said to have good heart health, exercise, and to keep learning new things (juggling was the study he showed to learning in the brain for 60 years old people).

Sweetheart took care of all the errands and most of the pie party shopping because Underfoot shared his cold with me. I didn't follow suit and throw up but felt lousy.

Be Well.

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