Monday, December 10, 2012

December 6

Let me tell you about last week:

We've been trying to decide where to go for Christmas and how to have the presents show up. Currently we are planning to drive to Idaho and stay for a few days and then drive to Utah and stay for a few days. When asking our children if they thought the Three Kings (instead of Santa) would come early to our house or if they would show up in Idaho, Underfoot said, "The Three Kings found Jesus in Bethlehem. They can find us in Idaho." So thankfully we haven't communicated with the Three Kings on what to bring yet and will be taking care of that this week.

In fulfilling my civil duty, I participated in jury duty. On the form asking if you can serve, it asks if you can get childcare for 1 day. I can do that and did. I was called to sit in the jury box and answer questions about how I feel about guns, kidnapping, and child abuse. As the day wore on and I saw multiple other jurors dismissed, I started to think who I would ask to watch and care for my children the next few days. Part of the questioning process, the court asks some biography questions like where do you live, what do/did you do for a career, what is your education, what organizations do you support, etc.. I answered for my current profession that I was a Domestic Goddess which the judge even chuckled at and that I have a counseling degree in marriage and family. I was thanked for my service and dismissed from jury service.

Sweetheart held scouts at our house while I hosted a Jesse Tree Advent exchange. It causes for some chaos around the house. The Jesse Tree advent talks about the prophesies and prophets of the Old Testament proclaiming the coming of Jesus Christ and that Christ is the same God in the Old Testament as in the New Testament. We began on December 1st. Hurricane woke up that morning and said, "It's Christmas!" and has every day since. It is fun for the boys to open a present each day of an ornament and to talk about the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us.

Sweetheart, in supporting me in continuing to exercising, ran with our boys and me in a race, the Color Vibe. The point of the race is to come in a clean white t-shirt and then run with people throwing colored cornstarch at you, and you walk away completely bright and vibrant. The boys ran and rode in the stroller. Hurricane wants to do it again next year. Lucky for him there is one in January that we are considering doing.

There are some of the highlights! Hope your week continues to be wonderful!

Be Well.

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