Monday, December 10, 2012

December 9

I've caught up on a few pictures from the past that might be fun to look at like riding a train, Thanksgiving 2012, tie dying, and our front door.

Both boys have finished their music lessons this year. They each had a "performance" of sorts at their teacher's home with their class. Underfoot's fingers are growing and not very strong yet. When he does finger strengthening exercises, he gets a penny per "run." He racked up quite the amount of money and then lost the motivation. Hurricane loves to sing and mimic everything that Underfoot does on the piano. They loved the little angel given to them from their teacher.

Hurricane has struggled this week with a cold. He shared it with me later this week. I've been eating vitamin C and drinking water. It is really hard to rest when little boys like to use my bed as a trampoline. As Hurricane has started to feel better, I've felt worse. This coming week I'm to have my tonsils removed. I called the doctor's office and the doctor's assistant said that as long as I don't have a fever and am hacking up a lung they will proceed with the surgery. I'm hoping to feel better and not more sick by Thursday.

The Joy School did a presentation tonight for Christmas. Hurricane was slotted to be Joseph but decided at the last second to be the start of Bethlehem. Underfoot stepped into the role of Joseph for Hurricane. Hurricane sang some of the songs and then was done. Underfoot sang every song with the class. Hurricane decided to go to the bathroom in the middle of the whole thing. He missed singing Jingle Bells- one of his favorites. He came back and asked the adults in the room to sing with him.

I passed the site coordination volunteering for Bountiful Baskets to someone else. So the news is that I will be a back up to run the site every once in a while and not every other weekend.

Sweetheart participated in a training call Trainer's EDGE (explain, demonstrate, guide, enable). It is a way to teach someone how to do a new task. Right after he left, I went to the car to go help with Bountiful Baskets. The car didn't start because a son was looking for glow-in-the-dark vampire teeth in the car the day before. He climbed in the car and turned on the interior lights and left a door ajar. After 18 hours, the battery was dead. A neighbor helped me out and loaned me a car for the day. He wrote the following:

"In what many scholars see as the final sign before the apocalypse, Mama drove a minivan on Sat Dec 8 2012.  The photo clearly shows the glory that is to be as Mama flinched from the beauty that is driving a minivan. Commentators are confused as to whether this was predicted by Nostradamus,  John the Apostle, or unknown ancient Mayan Calendarists. But all agree that this cannot be a good sign."

Be well.

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