Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 18 - Late


We hope you are well on this Wednesday. We hope you are well most days. We're late and so it will done in a bullet form. I'm sure it will end up being just as long.
  • Underfoot became a swimming champion. He has not really cared to swim much until this last year. He finished his swim lesson and has no desire to get out of the water (much to my delight.) He now has better coordination with his arms. It was suggested that we join a swim team. We need to consider if that would be the best thing for Hurricane. The time in the car and such...decisions decisions.
  • Hurricane is our car aficionado. He loves cars, tractors, trains, and the vision of driving all of them. His prayers are filled with protecting the tractors and trains. Sunday he decided that he needed to drive.Sweetheart  and I were saying goodbyes with a family in their driveway while the boys had gone to get into the car. The husband said, "They're rolling away." Sweetheart has been exercising more lately good thing because he caught the car, opened the door, jumped in and stopped the car. Sweetheart was panicked. Hurricane was quite pleased with himself. He had climbed in the front seat, taken off the emergency brake, and pulled the stick shift out of gear. Hurricane had also locked the doors expect the driver's door. There was nothing behind them for at least 300 feet. Then it was a house. I laughed because if I thought about it too much I would have been terrified that my sons were rolling down a hit in a car.
  • We went to a home show. The most interesting thing to Sweetheart was a start-up company that is building cement walls and then storing water inside the wall. We entered contests but most likely won't win one thing. It was interesting and not sure if we would return.
  • The HOA had their annual meeting. A few people came to it. Also they had a big enough voting forum to pass a proposal about using only one sanitation company and reduce the number of trucks on our roads. Apparently garbage and recycling trucks weight a lot and wear down roads quickly. The wear and tear has had the water company in front our own house for busted water lines at least 4 times. Sweetheart was happy about that. Our HOA owns our roads so it is up to the home owners to maintain and eventually replace the roads.
Have a wonderful day!
Be well.

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