Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 1

Underfoot tried to be mature and helpful by cutting his own watermelon. The downside was he also tried to cut his finger off. Sweetheart and I retired to check our email correspondence and were startled by the screams of a little boy in panic. He held his finger out in front of him and dripped blood from the kitchen to our library (approximately 7 yards). We found drops of blood on the wall and floor when we cleaned up. First aid skills kicked in as pressure was applied to the oozing finger. Panic causes that more blood comes out. When Underfoot stopped crying, the blood stopped flowing. When he started to cry again, the blood started to flow. The irony was while both parents were helping Underfoot, Hurricane decided to mimic Underfoot's example and cut the same finger about 1/4 of an inch higher. Except Hurricane didn't panic. He just asked for a band aid. Underfoot has not touched a knife since. Hurricane on the other hand must be watched like a hawk.

Underfoot registered for kindergarten on Wednesday. The school did a presentation with a video, teachers, and time in the classroom. The PTA (or PTO) gave each in-coming student a t-shirt. Underfoot didn't take the shirt off for 2 days. He has only talked about going since. We will start school July 16th. I filled in the paperwork during the parent orientation meeting. Afterwards I gave Underfoot all the legal and registration paperwork to register himself. Hurricane spent time with a friend so it was a Underfoot-Mama event. He talked and talked about it.

Sweetheart did his usual going to work and getting up almost as early as the sun. He did try something new this week - yoga. The jury is still out if he will do it again. On Friday night Sweetheart bought a new vacuum because we learned after he took the other vacuum apart the power switch had gone bad. I really didn't want the vacuum any more so Sweetheart broke it in his taking it apart for me.Or something like that.

I did normal things like clean house, run errands, prepare for General Conference, and tried to be a good Mom. We had a potluck on Saturday night for families so the men could carpool to priesthood meeting and the women and children could talk and play.

We enjoyed General Conference talks (summary with the link) with our treats and the learning. We learned that happiness comes from service, forgiveness, and work. Two of our favorite quotes were:

  • A bumper sticker that said: "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." (Uchtdorf)
  • In reference to the parable of the laborers of the vineyard in Matthew, the question asked to the labors who began at the beginning of the day from the master of the vineyard "Why are you jealous when I choose to be kind?" (Holland)
We hope you are well.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Scary how fast kids can get into things! OUCH! I to enjoyed conference and all the talks!