Sunday, September 27, 2009

Funny story for the week: On Thursday Mama picked me up from work so that I could help her run some errands. We ended up at Costco and decided to get a bit to eat after making a few purchases. As we gathered around the Costco picnic table, I asked Underfoot to bless our food. He immediately folded his arms, closed his eyes, and began to pray out loud. Loud is the key word. By the time he ended his simple two sentence prayer, he was yelling at the top of his lungs. It is hard to contain the enthusiasm of youth. Mama and I exchanged chuckles as we helped Underfoot eat his hot dog.

 We helped organize the annual community yard sale. We met lots of people and had fun haggling. We got rid of a bunch of stuff that we didn’t want or need. What’s left will go to charity. We both practiced using our Spanish.

 Sprayed the yard for bugs.
 Fixed the garage door opener.

 Planted four of the six garden boxes.

 Developed a new laugh. He copies the sound made by Larry the Cucumber from the show Veggie Tales.

 Loves to giggle and coo.
 Has learned to roll over from his back to his belly.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Helped organize the Community Yard Sale is an understatement! You guys advertised all over town and were the main reason the event was such a huge success! Thank you for the countless hours of making signs, putting them up and then taking them all down. I had a lot of fun listening to you two haggle with the customers.