My Auntie Lyn said she liked the bullet point update. She could go through and know what was happening for the family and each individual. So in honor of Auntie Lyn, we give you highlights for this past week.
We built a standard of truth for our family home evening. We traced our feet one one of L4’s white t-shirts. Underfoot really liked writing on clothes.
We went to Phoenix and Mesa on Friday to visit the Harbertson family and the Mesa temple.
The tree in our backyard extended it’s roots into one of our garden boxes because of the water. We moved the garden box and trimmed (pruned heavily) the tree. We were amazed about how much the tree had grown since the trunk of the tree to the end of the garden box was over 15 feet. It took us all day Saturday to accomplish the dirt removal, repositioning the box, and returning the soil to the boxes.
We can see the Milky Way in a very clear, beautiful streak across the sky at night.
He continues to work on multiple projects at work. He enjoys work very much.
He got to use a huge wheelbarrow (the trailer and Scout) to move the dirt. He said multiple times how grateful he was to have those tools.
I have gone back and forth for about 3 months if I should get my hair cut or colored. On Wednesday, I cut enough hair to donate to “Locks of Love.” L4 says he likes my haircut but is still getting use to it.
I picked our corn patch and got a total of 3 cups of corn to freeze. We will learn how to garden here. The corn ears this time were full of corn and without worms.
As his parents, we are impressed by his growth in speech. It is amazing to us how he is putting together concepts and sentences.
He loves to go on walks.
Underfoot and I swung on the swing set. He would sit in my lap and on take off, I would lift my feet and lay back. He loved laying back and watching the sky go by.
Grandpa K gave Underfoot a trampoline. He loves to jump and jump and jump. He will jump off the couch, into a pile of dirt, or off a ladder. We better be careful or he will break something.
He has started to babble and coo and drool and groan and giggle. He likes to make noise.
K2 is rocking from side to side. He can push himself to his side but not all the way over.
There is the nutshell.