Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale

Hurricane planned a lemonade sale then added a bake sale. We called his Uncle Aaron to get some help with marketing the event. As we talked together, we added pre-orders of chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and yummy syrup (caramel syrup.) For Labor Day, we started making things.
Our friend, Shelby Ryckman, came over to help us. We canned 42 jars of yummy caramel syrup and made a few dozen cookies and few pans of brownies. The rest of week was making cookies and brownies and making deliveries. While Sweetheart was out the week before, he printed the flyers Hurricane had made. The flyer explained the purpose of the bake sale.

Later in the week we made another batch of yummy syrup.

On Friday night, Sweetheart and I stayed up to make cookies.
We made 24 dozen in addition to what had previously been made. On Saturday, we sold out of cookies and syrup.
The boys were wonderful with people.
If someone gave them a tip, they sang them a song.
They were thrilled to go to the bank to open an account for adoption.
That night we went to the church's youth road show. The boys enjoyed the different skits and olios.

Previous Week -
Birthday Party: The boys were invited.
I helped with a carpool. They had so much fun.

Garden: I built a flower garden in Underfoot's classroom. She said I could make any flowers I wanted.
I put most the flowers that I can't grow here - daisy, lilac, water lily, columbine, daffodil, sunflower, tulip, and then 2 made up flowers. I had a lot of fun creating.

Bedroom Painting: When we replaced the carpet, we painted the baseboards and door jams in the Master bathroom. It didn't quite get finished before the carpet went in. Since that time, we took off all the doors and painted them. I finished the touch ups. It took me 6 months to finish. That's a little embarrassing that it took so long. The bedrooms are all done. Now we have 1 bathroom and the rest of the house.

Tub: Our bath tub has been dripping. Sweetheart had the time to change the cartridge on his off Friday. He started the process but couldn't get the coupler to loosen.
In the process, he broke the handle. After he called and got help to fix it. It took the 2 of them 15 minutes to loosen the the coupler. Sweetheart fixed it without problems after that. I'm so grateful he has the skills to make things work! He has great skills!

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