Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Party Week

We had party week at school. The last week of school seems to have a different party each day - field day, kindergarten promotion, class awards, movies, and pajama wearing. We had a few interruptions in the parties from vomiting though.
Hurricane started off the week by vomiting in the middle of the night. After cleaning up the mess, Hurricane and I went back to bed. He missed field day. The next evening at Cub Scouts Underfoot showed his lunch to the rest of his den. His good den leader and the cub master cleaned it up. Underfoot decided to say thank you by getting them ice cream.

We had one day when all were well which was Hurricane's kindergarten promotion.
He declared his future profession as a ninja.

Underfoot missed the last 2 days of school for being sick. He was really bumped he couldn't attend the last day.
We went early before school started so he could get his class award and say thank you to his teacher. The boys had grown sunflowers and decided to take one to their teachers as a thank you.
On Friday we attended Mary Poppins, a children's only cast.
Sweetheart was to attend with us, but the boys shared their bug with him; he stayed home. The boys sang and danced to the songs. Hurricane sat on my lap to see the show. He kept trying to go to sleep which is odd for him.
Saturday we were going to get ready for the first 3 crazy weeks of summer. Part of that was Sweetheart getting a physical. Hurricane had a 103 fever, and he accompanied Sweetheart where we learned he had strep throat. Underfoot and I went on the rest of the errands by ourselves.
Underfoot decided to make it a date and bought me yogurt! What a sweet boy!

We are grateful for Memorial Day and for what the day reminds of us. We are thankful for those who came before us.
Be Well.

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