Monday, July 21, 2014

1st Week of School

We returned super late on Sunday last week and started school the very next morning.
Hurricane started in kindergarten, 
and Underfoot is in 2nd grade.
They were both super excited to go. After school we went to our tradition of ice cream. That evening we bought our school supplies and restocked the frig from our trip.

Underfoot wants to play school and has yet to bring home any serious homework. Hurricane asked all week if he could ride his bike to school and finally got to ride on Friday.
Sweetheart worked on restaking our tree on Monday and took care of a few things around our house before returning to work on Tuesday. Our area had what is called record storm with winds of 45 miles an hour and lots of rain. This all happened while we were gone.

Tuesday evening we hosted a BBQ for the 16-18 year old youth in our congregation. They played the newspaper game. The newspaper game is rolling up newspaper and trying to get to someone before getting tapped with the newspaper by calling out another person's name in the circle. The game got really fun when we used last names only have 4 doubled last names.
I edited and labeled the 1,300+ pictures from our trip and ran a Bountiful Baskets site this weekend.
Sweetheart continues to love his work.
Be well.

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