Sunday, May 4, 2014


Sick. That is the one word that describes our past two weeks. Three weeks ago Underfoot brought home a virus. Precautions were taken by quarantining Underfoot. Sweetheart helped me out one day and drank from the same cup as Underfoot. He then proceeded to get sick for 9 days. He missed work for 4 1/2 of those days. Hurricane started after Sweetheart.
Moms aren't allowed to get sick. So we plugged along. Sweetheart started to get better. He went back to work. We were all back to normal until Thursday. I guess Moms get sick last is a better saying. I felt like my throat was on fire and have been coughing and blowing snot ever since. Lovely image uh?

Hurricane and Underfoot have resumed their normal lives. Hurricane's trains came back from the attic, and he has built track after track after track. Underfoot has gone to school and been very diligent in getting his homework done so he can go to swim practice.
The boys got the best surprise in the mail. Auntie Katie made them monster towels for swim practice.
 Now we have one towel to use instead of making 10 towels dirty for the week. The towels are darling!

My Dad's birthday was this last week. Hurricane found out about it and insisted we make a chocolate cake. We did. Three layered chocolate cake with orange buttercream and chocolate ganche icing.
 Hurricane wondered when my Dad would show up. (My parents are on a mission for another 2 years.)

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