Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 23

It is funny how your perspective on life can change in an instant.

On Saturday afternoon we received word that Mama’s brother was in a car accident. A combination of Divine Intervention and a split section decision on his part made all the difference. We learned that an oncoming truck veered into his lane, demolished the mini van in front of him, and sideswiped his 3/4 ton work truck with such force that it knocked it on its side, shearing off the rear axle. Mama’s brother and two nieces are okay. Four other people were taken to the hospital. One little boy, about Underfoot’ age, is in critical condition. If Mama’s brother hadn’t veered out of the way of the oncoming truck, what was a side swipe could have been a full head on collision with a very different outcome. We are grateful that they are safe.

On a lighter note, the phrase for the week comes from Hurricane. It is, “I do it.” Hurricane has determined that he is capable of doing everything. Among other things, he told me this week that he could wipe his own behind. I didn’t let him try. He is a happy boy, except when he’s not feeling well. Today during church he was not a happy camper. He has some sort of tummy ache which gives him very toxic gas, making his backside  raw. I held him for the last hour of church. Mama attended a conference on Friday to keep her Counseling Certification current. We chose to stay the night at my sister’s house. She was in Las Vegas with her husband who was attending a conference of his own. My father was in town to hold down the fort. It was fun to see the interaction between the boys and their grandpa.

While Mama was becoming ethical (at her conference of course) my father, the boys, my niece, and I went  to a train museum in Scottsdale. It was a great time. Hurricane and Underfoot loved riding in the cattle car of the train. Underfoot really liked the carousel ride. Another highlight was the model train exhibit. Hurricane was enthralled with the little trains and the little lights and the moving parts.

We hope you are well and safe.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Yikes! So glad that your family is safe! Things like that always make me realize how fragile life really is. Glad you all are well!