Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 31

Underfoot says this week: I played with trains this week. I built the train track with my dad. We got a new  train set to add to our collection. I got a surprise at the library this week. I got a book that I can keep about Abraham Lincoln. I saw the dentist. I had friends come over on Friday night.

We’ve been getting over sickness this week. Mama had pink eye (She probably picked it up from Hurricane.) Both boys completed their summer reading program and received an adventure pass from the Library. Early in the week Mama started teaching piano again. The local schools are back in session, so people are done with family vacations and such.

On Friday we went to The Gila Valley Temple in Central, Arizona. Afterward we came home and hosted a get together with some friends.

On Saturday we took it easy and didn’t do a whole lot. Mama took a nap (a very rare event indeed!) and I installed some new software on one of the computers. I also assembled an automatic temperature controller for a fan we have in our garage. I’ve had the parts for about a year, I just never took the time to sit down
and put it all together. That evening around supper time we got a quick, brief, but very powerful thunder and lightning show that lasted about 20 minutes. It was so loud that it woke Mama up from her nap- which is another rare event in and of itself.

It has rained so much the last few weeks that we have volunteer green grass in our backyard. We aren’t hopeful that it will last. It is probably just weeds.

Be Well.

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