Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 5

We celebrated Memorial Day by working and then going swimming at friends. We are grateful to the families whose loved ones have given their lives for our lives and to men and women who have given their lives for our freedoms to live, believe/worship, teach our children, and work as we enjoy.

  • Our freezer has been on the fritz. On a warm day the inside of the freezer heats up to around 10 degrees. On cooler days, it cools to about 2 degrees. Since we are going on  vacation, L4 wants to make sure the freezer is working when we leave for vacation. He replaced the thermostat, and THE FREEZER IS AT -10 DEGREES!We don’t need to buy a new freezer.
  • He also changed the pressure regulator on our house. Apparently the valve had failed before we move in. We didn’t know it was broken until a plumber neighbor mentioned it to us. When L checked the pressure, it pegged the needle at 120+ psi. The maximum recommended pressure for a home is 80 psi. It was changed out Tuesday, and the  pressure is now around 60 psi. We hope the change will save us money in our water bill each month.
  • Also L4 found grape skeltonizers on our grapes. Last summer we fought those bugs daily. They attach to the grape vine and suck the sap from it until they lay new eggs to create more bugs. The bugs grow to be the size of an adult index finger. When they are terminated they shrink to nothing. (I guess we haven’t adopted the Hindu belief of not killing any living thing.) He found a spray to kill them and saved the grapes vines and ourselves from bug-picking insanity.
  • Because the water pressure has changed how we water has to change also. He spent time fixing how much water is given to what. It is quite the task. We hope we can find a good balance.
Mama I have healed well and am enjoying getting things back to a rhythm. Our library is clean and now we are moving to keeping all parts of the house clean.

  • This weekend Hurricane rode a play car off the slide in our house. Underfoot was being obedient and helping pick up. He bent over at the same time that Hurricane pushed the car down the slide, and it collided with Underfoot’s face. He has a little black eye and a few minor cuts on the eye and nose.
  • We were invited to go to Davis-Monthan AFB to see an EC-130 airplane. Our neighbor’s husband flies this plane. We got to climb in the plane and then did a tour of the base. We went bowling and shopping at the BX. It was a lot of fun.
  • We had two little boys stay the night and day with us while their Mom went to support the young women in our church at a camping event and their Dad needed to work. Underfoot loved to have someone to play with for the evening and the next day. The boys fell asleep about 10:30 pm and were up at 5:15 am. They played hard. We enjoyed having them here.

  •  Hurricane is cutting 4 molars - all at the same time.
  • He loved going bowling and seeing things.
  • Because of the molars, he has been tired and started to cough. The cough turned into a bark. The bark has gone away and has been replaced with a drippy faucet nose. We kept him away from our over night guests. We don’t think he is really sick, but his body doesn’t like it when teeth come in. He and Daddy stayed home from church today. He has also kept us up at night several times this week.
  • I made Hurricane his own cake. The cupcake wasn't good enough for me unfortunately. So here is a lousy looking train cake. 

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