Sunday, January 9, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We have started a new schedule around here this week. Our church meeting time has changed from 1:30 pm to 8 am. It is WONDERFUL. Now K2 is getting a regular nap around the same time each day. The boys are going to bed at a good time without any fights (with us repeating over and over to get to bed).

We even have started to get up at a good time. We’ve only been doing it for about a week. The consistency of it has made for a happier home and family. Even the house seems to have stayed cleaner. Who knew that morning church could do so much?

L4 decided this week to send the Scout to a transmission shop and to have the work done by someone who specializes in transmissions. L4 picked up the Scout on Wednesday and had the happiest smile on his face. He even was given a suggestion on how to stop an engine oil leak (unrelated to the transmission), and it worked. No more engine oil leak! Things are coming together for him on that project in his life.

The boys helped me make basil-spinach pesto and cilantro-spinach pesto. They helped each night to make supper. I taught Joy School this week about goals and how much fun they are. As I was growing up, I had a goal sheet of many, many goals to accomplish in a few months. I accomplished a few of them but not a lot. I enjoyed teaching. The moms and children are a great group to work with. 

K2 has started to say some very wonderful things. He says things like “I see” when a picture is taken and  “thank you” to almost everything given to him. One night he was helping me make supper as he pulled up the  stool to the gas stove said “hot” and then would try and blow out the flame over and over again. He didn’t  realize it wouldn’t blow out. I even called L4 at work to tell him. We both had a good chuckle. Yesterday he  tried to get out the front door to be with his Dad. He pulled a chair to the front door and tried to undo the  lock. He worked at it for over 15 minutes. It was a good skill development session. 

Underfoot wanted to say a few things in our weekly email. He said, “I had Joy School at my house this week.

I helped Daddy work on the Scout on Monday. I have a special new toy of Army guys that I get to play with when K2 is asleep for a nap. I get to play in the kitchen next to the farm house. The training wheels on my bike are flat (editor comment: training wheels not adjusted properly) and it makes me fall down. I sang  “Happy Birthday” to Jilli on her birthday. I wore a Bob the Builder hat everyday since Thursday.”

On Saturday morning there was a tragic shooting in our community. We are safe. We are sad about the loss of life.

1 comment:

brian_angela said...

I'm glad to hear that you guys are safe after the tragedy. I bet it must be quite interesting to live in the community where the nation seems to be focusing its thoughts over the past few days.

Good to hear that the Scout is improving. We also are starting early mornings on Sundays (9 am) with the new year.