Sunday, November 14, 2010

Grandmother & Point by point

L4’s Grandmother passed away this week. She was 94 1/2 years old. My mother-in-law said that  Grandmother was the best mother-in-law anyone could have. Grandmother was cheerful, kind, and  politically-correct meaning she knew when to express an opinion and when to hold her tongue. L4’s fondest  childhood summer memories were when he would go with his brother, Aaron, camping in the pup tent with his  grandparents and the Scout. She was a dear woman. She and I had the common loves of ice cream,  MASH tv series, and the love of L4.

K2’s escapades this week:
  • Underfoot says to me, “Mama, K2 is pouring the milk into the couch.” K2 ended up pouring about 3/4 of the quart of cream into the couch.
  • L4 carries a permanent marker in his nerd pack (pocket protector). K2 pulled out the pen and then pulled the lid off and ran away from L4 screaming happily.
  • K2 has more bonks on his head than we know where he gets them. With all the scabs, he is still very bright and focused when it comes to getting his own way.
  • After the cream incident, I came around the corner into the kitchen to find K2 and Underfoot helping themselves to a bucket of ice cream. The ice cream was then transferred to the couch unbeknownst to me.

Underfoot’s feats this week:
  • This morning after buttoning the button on his new suit jacket, he announced to me, “I’m a daddy now because I can button up my jacket.” If that is all it took, there would be lots of Daddies running around. 
  • Underfoot was not injured at t-ball practice or his game. This is a feat since last week at his game he chipped 2 teeth. 
  • We visited the dentist to make sure that Underfoot’ teeth were not damaged. I wanted to know if the teeth needed to have any corrective work done to them.
  • We made a paper chain for how many days until the pie party. That way we have a physical reference to the question, “How many more sleeps until we go to Jilli and Kirky’s house?” We will leave the day after the pie party. 
  • Underfoot has decided to wear a hat all the time. He particularly likes a hat that I got from Panama.

Our adventures:
  • We attended the temple. 
  • We sauced tomatoes, pumpkins, and persimmons. 
  • L4 & Underfoot attended the  HOA meeting. 
  • I was sick one day this week.

1 comment:

Casey said...

What an eventful week. Sounds like mine only I don't write it all down. Sorry we wont make it to the pie party but best of luck hope it is a huge success.