Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mount St. Helens

My friend BC says that poop and puke stories are always better when they involve someone else’s child.

On Sunday, (last week) K2 wasn’t feeling well. We didn’t know it until he vomited all over Mama during the last hour of church. It was not a trivial amount of spit up. It was a Mt. St. Helens eruption. Mama was just about to begin the lesson for her class of 4 year olds. They watched in stunned silence. K2 didn’t have a fever. We realized after the fact that he was probably sick because he was getting two new teeth, on top of the two other teeth that came in earlier in the week. Mama discovered the new teeth on Wednesday.

On Monday we worked our guts out during the morning and then we had a BBQ at a friend’s house in the afternoon. I painted the pergola while Mama and Underfoot worked in the Garden. Mama pulled out all the broccoli and transplanted some melon plants into one of the garden boxes. Our tomatoes are coming on. The garlic is almost ready. We planted three basil plants and they are growing like crazy. Our blackberry plants are giving us a few blackberries every couple
days. Most of the grape vines have grapes. The garden is going to start producing in large quantities just as we are heading north for vacation.

The heat is on. We’ve had several days of 100+ temperatures. We turned on the A/C on Monday night. On Tuesday I installed an automatic watering system for our chickens. They now have a clean water supply that is tied to the irrigation system. On Wednesday I re-insulated the refrigerant tubes for our air conditioning system. The old insulation was sun-baked and falling off. I’m hoping that the improved insulation will boost efficiency and save us on our electric bill.

Mama has been preparing for the L. family reunion this week. In addition to some shopping in town, she taught several piano lessons. She continues to drive all over the place. I think she likes the new car.

On Saturday Mama got up early and sprayed for weeds. She also fertilized the garden. She then went to do Bountiful Baskets. We are happy to have a basket again. We took it easy during the heat of the day. After supper we washed and waxed the Pilot. We then went to fill up the car and both boys fell asleep before we got out of our neighborhood.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Sorry to hear about the new teeth and the vomit. Aren't kids grand? The garden sounds like it is enjoying the heat much more than the chickens. I'm glad to hear baskets are back, I'm trying to convince my Utah family to join in their areas. Its such a great program, thanks for bringing it to our neighborhood. See you in a few weeks.