Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On Monday K2 exploded again in the car at Costco. This time Mama was prepared. She caught the explosion before it happened in the store. Unfortunately, it was raining so Mama had to change K2 while getting rained on.

On Tuesday she and a friend decided to turn 80 pounds of apples into applesauce. About 6 hours later they had 36 quarts to show for their efforts. On Wednesday I had scouts and Mama taught piano lessons.

On Thursday Mama and a friend set up our tent. It had been almost 10 years since it was last used. Underfoot was very excited to play in the tent. After supper Underfoot and I went outside to play in the tent. We ended up sleeping in it. Well, almost. We came inside about 2 a.m. The following morning Underfoot wasn’t feeling well. (He actually hadn’t been feeling well for a couple days, but he was more vocal about it on Friday morning.) On Saturday morning Mama took Underfoot to see a nurse practitioner. It turns out Underfoot has a double ear infection. That would explain his behavior and his fever.

On Saturday I worked on the scout. I changed the oil pan gasket. I attempted to change the oil pump, but it turned out that the new one I got was the wrong part. So I put the old one back in, using a seal from the new pump. (At least that was the same.) I also did a few other things to the scout. By changing the oil pan gasket I removed one of the leaks. Unfortunately, I tightened up the bolts on the valve covers and now the scout leaks even more than before. One step forward, two steps back.

Mama and I both had the impression that we should take down our tent on Saturday. Neither of us followed it. We woke up this morning to heavy rain and a very soggy tent. We were able to move the tent (in the rain) into the garage. It is now drying out.

Baby K2 now has three teeth on his bottom jaw. He did sleep through the night at least once this week. (I can’t remember which, though...) Mama hasn’t been feeling well and is a bit under the weather. We’ve had a surprising amount of rain this month.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Are you preparing the tent for the Father and Son outing? Hope everyone is feeling better over there.