Monday, March 15, 2010


Underfoot had a well child check up with the doctor the day after his birthday. He is a normal healthy child. After the appointment, he asked if he could drive the car home. He is a year older but not ready for the responsibility of the driving.

K2 has taken off on crawling and is attempting to stand up whenever he gets the chance. He is a little tentative still and goes down on his bum. He has a new game he likes to play. I will puff up my cheeks, and he will pat them empty and then laugh like it is the funniest thing ever.

I have my quilt frames up from my Grandpa George, and I am finally finishing Underfoot's baby blanket. It is so nice to have the quilt frames.

We have chickens. Yes chickens. Five to be exact. We have been talking about getting chickens since before we moved in to our house. They are laying hens that have laid three eggs in the first 24 hours. We have checked with our neighbors since we do live in a community if they were okay with it. If there are any complaints, the chickens will have to find a new home. But we don’t foresee any challenges there except for a squawk or two for an egg. Where did the chickens come from? Eggs of course. They were given to us by a family that will be moving to Alabama. They gave us the coop and all the fixings for a run. We are excited. We will not have a rooster. Roosters are TOO noisy.

L4 went and got the coop and put it in place. He worked all day Saturday.

We also had some house guests for a few days. Four extra children came to play. They were very well behaved and helped quite a bit. They are moving to a new house in the next few days, and Mom and Dad needed to take care of a few details.

We hope you are happy and doing much good where you are!

1 comment:

Cyndy said...

I had heard the rumor that you had gotten chickens...I'm so happy for you! Enjoy those FRESH eggs! Sounds like your oldest and my oldest are both trying to grow up fast! Enjoy the moments.