Monday, November 16, 2009

Flag and headaches

On Monday I installed the flag that my mother-in-law bought for us when we first arrived some 15 months ago. (It was up for Veteran’s Day.) By Thursday, the fierce winds snapped the plastic bracket that was holding the flag into two pieces. We are now looking for a metal replacement. On Saturday we get about a half hour of monsoon strength rain, which is highly unusual this time
of year.

On Thursday Mama went out to our garden. After a few minutes of picking tomatoes, she returned with 5 quarts worth of tomatoes. She and a friend worked all morning to produce 11 pints of spaghetti sauce made mostly from our garden.

On Friday night I got an incredible headache at bed time. I finally fell asleep around 3:30 a.m. At 5, Mama was up to go clean the church. She was kind enough to let me stay home and sleep with the boys. She returned around 9 after finding a number of treasures at local yard sales including rocking chair number 6 as well as a box of pirate treasures.

We went to do Bountiful Baskets about an hour before the delivery semi was scheduled to arrive. We were surprised to find it there with most of the produce already on the sidewalk. Mama has been worried about bountiful baskets all week. She was concerned that there would not be enough interest by local people. Everyone we talked to at the pickup site was pleased with the amount of produce they got in exchange for 15 bucks.

Saturday also coincided with the delivery of bulk chocolate that we ordered several months ago. A friend in our congregation made arrangements to get bulk chocolate from Guittard. We were very pleased with the quality and quantity of chocolate. Mama now feels like she can use her chocolate because she has an ample supply. I am excited for the forthcoming delectable desserts.

Later on Saturday we had delivered two more compost barrels. These two represent numbers 5 and 6. We have finally decided on a composting system and won’t be getting any more!

Somehow, life doesn’t seem to get any easier. We will likely always be busy. We are grateful for the blessings that we enjoy and ascribe them to the kindness of a Benevolent God.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

you guys are busy. Just thinking of all you do around here gives me a headache. I hope your all feeling better. Looking forward to PIE NIGHT!