Sunday, June 21, 2009

Watering & Haircuts

Happy Father's Day!

What a week! I have been working a lot on a temporary assignment. When I’ve been home, I have spent time working on the irrigation system. On Friday I got home from work and discovered that one valve had been stuck open all day. I have spent a lot of time figuring out how the irrigation system is supposed to work.

On Wednesday, Mama gave Underfoot and I haircuts. I was sad to see Underfoot's locks go, but it was time. Mama has gotten much better about giving haircuts than she did when we married. While Underfoot was getting his haircut, he kept wiggling around. As he would wiggle, the cut got shorter and shorter. Even with a candy in his mouth, he bolted for an escape to the sandbox. As he attempted to jump into the sandbox, he dove into the railroad tie and got a goose egg on his forehead. He sat still for the rest of his cut. He even cuddled with his Mama.

K2 had the shortest doctor’s appointment ever. From entering the office to leaving, it took a total of 6 minutes. The challenge was mostly with shepherding Lucas in and out of the door.

Mama’s brother, A., started his missionary service on Wednesday. He will be at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT for the next few weeks. He is super-excited to be there.

On Saturday, we went to a potluck with my coworkers. Underfoot was in heaven with all the animated Cars’ figurines.

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