Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May 21


Each week we try to communication our challenges, joys, and highlights. This week has been pretty mellow.

Hurricane continues to develop his own sense of self. As a family we attended the musical Mary Poppins on Saturday. Hurricane struggled at the start to stay awake. Once he got into the music, he was hooked. At one part he went into the aisle and was dancing to the music. He would clap with such enthusiasm that his whole body would shake. It was thrilling (and very rewarding) for us to observe his reaction.

Underfoot is nearing the end of his tenure in Joy School. He loves to learn and interact with his peers. He is cheerful (for the most part) and loves to play games. A current like is to play hide and seek. Only he wants to be 'found' so that he can be the one to do the seeking. He told us that Mary Poppins was with real people (as opposed to fake ones that we watch on the computer.) Perhaps he meant we were going to a live show, rather than watching the show on the computer.

Wendy has had a rough week. Some misunderstandings caused her a lot of grief. I am always amazed at how much she gets done every day. She has worked her guts out to get our house clean and orderly.

As for myself, I worked outside on Saturday and cleaned our backyard. We took all the odds and ends from completed projects and will be taking them to the dump. We threw away broken bikes and cleaned up a bunch of garbage.

Tonight we watched the solar eclipse. The spot where we watched had a man taking pictures with a super nice hydrogen telescope. We would look at it through welding goggles. Mama's favorite part was that the heat went away for a time. It has been record temperatures for us.

Be well.

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