Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18

We've done it again - missed writing for one week and then didn't do it again yesterday. Our letters to you are to keep you informed about us, but the letter is our journal of sorts. We don't write all the struggles, tears, or heartaches we feel. I think some times it is because we (the collective we) don't want to remember the hurt. I guess I'm sharing just to let you know life around here isn't always a bowl of cherries. We have our roller coaster moments with parenting, marriage, and personal challenges, and lately we say at the end of each week - "It was a hard week" and then we list to each other what made it hard. We don't want to compare with anyone else our hard times because we believe each of us has them - emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually at time. In true sincerity we hope that our letter finds you well and you can feel of our love for you.

And on that note, we'll share about our week - again through bullet points:

  • When we went our family trip, Hurricane decided to swim in u-turns with no breathe instead of going to the side of the pool, steps, or pole for the steps. So we went back for a swimming refresher. He regained his confidence after 3 days. On the fourth day, he swam like he loved it again with breathing. Breathing is critical when anyone swims.  On Friday we went swimming again at the local pool. He swam like a champ with no hesitation! We really want him to be as safe as possible.
  • Laughing is one of Hurricane's talents. When he tells a funny joke and wants us to laugh, he provides his own laugh track with a deep hee hee hee. There are always 3 hees. When he laughs out of pure pleasure, he giggles that will even make the grouchiest moments melt away.
  • The other night at dinner we were talking about a friend who stole home during a Little League playoff game. As we continued to talk Underfoot asked how our friend stole the house. It provided a good chuckle for us. After explaining what home plate was both boys said they were going to grow up and play baseball just like their friend and his brother because our boys think they are good boys. It is amazing how powerful the example of others is.
  • We continue to work on reading. Underfoot has started to sound out words and write them by how they sound. For example the word done is dun. I'm glad he is taking interest in reading.
  • We attended a staycation with a neighbor for the past 3 weeks. A staycation is staying home but with activities. J, the lady who has organized it all, has done a marvelous job! Our boys look forward to going each time. She has planned each week with a theme and then created activities for each day. We have called the weeks camps instead of staycations. The first week was dinosaurs, followed by stars, and last week was Father's day. I've been very grateful J invited us to come.
There isn't much to report for Sweetheart and myself. We have done the usual with HOA, Bountiful Baskets, church, and keeping a head on laundry and keeping a clean house.  The challenge with not writing weekly is we forget the special precious moments of the days. It gets lost in our memories.
We hope you enjoyed your Father's day. We did by spending a quiet day together.

Grilling steaks and hot dogs and mowing grass

Be well.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Love that post where it is true we all have our struggles but openly don't want to write or remember all the things that seem to get us down! It was great to see you! Hope you are well!