Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 3

The last 2 weeks have been a lot of go. We'll do it by units. Pictures I'll be posting various pictures over the next few days if you would like to look at other pictures.

  • We went on a vacation with just our own family. We usually vacation with Sweetheart's or my family when we use Sweetheart's vacation time. We took almost 72 hours and went to Phoenix. We stayed in a hotel, swam in the pool, watched television, ate out, and shopped. We quite enjoyed ourselves and will be looking for more opportunities to do it again.
  • Miniature golf is a lot of fun with the boys. Underfoot really tried to learn how to golf. Hurricane just got super excited about getting everyone's ball in the hole and would take over on getting the balls in the hole. Once the ball was in the hole, he would belly flop on the ground and get each of the balls out. After we were done golfing we rode bumper boats. We each got wet.
  • Joy School Graduation happened 2 Fridays ago. Underfoot was happy to swim and enjoy himself in the hosting family's pool. We had a potluck and enjoyed a quiet evening. The evening got a lot more exciting later. You will need to read Hurricane's doings to see what happened.
  • We attended the temple in Gila Valley because the ward provided babysitting. It was great to get to go and be together.
  • We celebrated Memorial Day with a BBQ and friends.
  • Sweetheart works to keep us fed, clothed, and happy. He worked extra hours so we could go on our vacation and get off work a little earlier than normal.
  • As a champion food taste tester, he tells me what recipes work and don't. He called from work and asked that I build a cake for his boss. One of his co-worker gave him the feedback that the cake wasn't out of a box. He even helped me make blackberry curd as a filling. I think it was super yummy because not one piece came home.
  • Sweetheart called Sally from Bountiful Baskets and asked for me to take a break as a volunteer area coordinator. He felt the pressure and stress and wanted to eliminate one thing in our lives. The last 2 Saturdays have been rather quiet with no phone calls or route changes. I'm not sure if it is a permanent decision or temporary one.
  • Since the miscarriage, I've been in a melancholy funk. Not super animated about life or what was going on around me or my family. Hurricane helped me get out of the funk after the Joy School graduation. More to come...
  • I attended a continuing education class about drugs. More appropriately pharmacology drugs. The presenter was a trained pharmacist and counselor. He gave great insights on what how to use drugs with counseling and making sure that people are taking the appropriate drug and to not mix drugs for side effects. I found it fascinating. It was also the clearest explanation of how serotonin, adrenaline, and dopamine work. 
  • I saw a new doctor that we hope will help us stay pregnant the next time I get pregnant. 
  • I cut my hair.
  • Our Joy School Graduate is looking forward to starting kindergarten. He will start July 16. The school system we are going into is a modified year round system. 
  • He caught the vision of how fun swimming can be on our family vacation. He would swim and swim and finally jumped off the side of the pool. He swam all through the deep end. We are so proud and happy for him. It is a huge relief that he now knows how to swim.
  • After returning home from Joy School graduation, the boys went to brush their teeth. We sent them in about 8:15 pm. Sweetheart discovered around 9 pm that Hurricane had turned on a faucet and spun the neck toward the mirror. The water ran down the counter into the drawers and onto the floor. With one inch of water on the floor, he effectively flooded the bathroom. We did laundry and shop vacuumed the floor and pulled out a fan. It took me out of my funk. It frustrated Sweetheart. Hurricane was tickled with his accomplishment. Underfoot didn't know if he was in trouble or not.
  • Hurricane had a birthday. He is now 3. And very PROUD of it.

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