Monday, January 21, 2019

Week 3 - All about a Cello and Snow

Sweetheart and I have been asked to be a Pa and Ma for Trek. It is in July. On Sunday night was the Trek Kick Off fireside. We met the youth that will be in our family.
We got to know them by playing a game and eating treats. We are excited and planning to be as healthy as possible.

Underfoot decided in September to change from the violin to the cello. Because we don't know much about playing the cello, we have been looking for a cello teacher. On Monday, Underfoot had his first cello lesson. He learned how to refine his cello position and more. We're excited for him to get better.

Hurricane and I both had dental work done this week. Hurricane has an under bite, and he is wearing an appliance to bring his upper jaw forward. He is making progress. His teeth no long are touching.
I finally went to start the process for the crown on the tooth that I had a root canal on last October. I have a new dentist. I like her.

Underfoot is trying to get his Citizenship in the Nation merit badge done. On Friday there was no school so we were going to knock out two requirements by visiting the State Capital and visiting the Cadet Chapel in Colorado Springs. We attended a tour at the State Capital.
It had started to snow outside with big, wet snowflakes. The boys found the tour interesting and made friends with a boy on the tour. We saw both houses since the legislator and governor are in the same building.
The building cost of the capital was 2.1 million in 1890s. The cost today would have been $772 million. Every 35 years the dome is recoated in gold. It is the 3rd highest in elevation state capitals in the United States.
We took a picture of the one mile above sea level.

We tried to drive to Colorado Springs that should have taken an hour but never made it because of the snow storm. We had watched the weather and it said it should have been fine. We turned around when we had been driving 2 hours at 15 miles per hour. It took us 2 hours to return home. We are grateful that we were safe. We cleared the drive and then went to swim. The pool got closed because a child pooed in the pool. It was comedy of errors for the afternoon.

Saturday was a work day at someone else's house. We helped change things around in a lady's house in our neighborhood. Afterward we went to get Underfoot a hard case for his cello. He has had a soft case which had made me very, VERY nervous. We went to the strings seller. He had 3 cases. In the end, one of the cases was used but needed a little work to make the zipper better and to fix a handle. He now has a case that is hard to protect the cello. We are SO HAPPY and relieved.

Sweetheart got to go and play his game for the afternoon. He was super happy.

​Be Well.

 Ice Cream with Stars


 Catching Snowflakes

 Catching Snowflakes

 Catching Snowflakes

 Inner Dome State Capital

 Handrail at State Capital

 Sorted Letters

Family Settlers of Catan


 Come Follow Me for the Week

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