Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week 9 - Flu and Basketball

Since Sweetheart had began to feel sick, we decided to stay home from church. Fortunate for us it was stake conference, and we called to ask if that was possible to have a link to watch conference from home since the service is broadcast to multiple buildings. We were lucky enough to have the link shared with us.

On Monday morning, Sweetheart was tired of being sick and decided to go to the urgent care. It was confirmed that he had the flu. That day we had also received an email from the school saying we needed a doctor's note since the boys have been out of school for five days. The rest of us went to the doctor's office to see if we could be treated. The only person who could be treated for it was Sweetheart. We discussed afterward that if we have a high fever and aren't feeling well it is important to go to the doctor sooner than later. Sweetheart was better by Wednesday while the rest of us struggled for about 10 days.

We have decided to plant xeriscape native plants in our front yard. This spring we will be taking out the grass and adding cement in way of a new front step for our front entry. Part of the reason we are removing the grass is because of the boys' allergies. The other reason is water is more expensive here per cubic unit then it was in Tucson. In 2014 legislation was passed stating an HOA could not defeat a request for xeriscape planning because of the water in Colorado. Colorado is considered semi-arid on the Eastern Plains.

Since we are going to xeriscape in the front yard, we need to get some quotes for cement for a new sidewalk to the front door, new front steps, and a sidewalk to the backyard. Six different concrete quotes came through. We look forward to the changes.

The boys return to school on Tuesday. They had to make up their missed assignments and keep up on their current assignments. They have 3 weeks until the end of term.

Each of the boys Battle of the Books teams made it into the semi finals. They lost both of their matches, but they learned a lot about self-confidence, teamwork, and being persistent. After Hurricane's battle, the coach hosted a pizza party at her home. I wore a mask because of my cough and flu, and I didn't want to spread that we were having around our house. The boys went and enjoyed themselves very much.

I have the thought that Sweetheart needed to establish with the chiropractor. He had his initial appointment this weekend and had an adjustment. He said that he felt better after the adjustment.

We went into passport pictures. They have change the protocol and you can no longer smile in your pictures.

The boys played in a basketball game. They were totally awesome! They dribbled, shot the ball at the basket, provided screens, and their overall improvement was leaps and bounds. The end of the basketball season was significantly better than the beginning.

Sweetheart took me on a date to a restaurant called Root Down. We met up with a couple that had moved from Tucson to outside the Boulder area. Sweetheart knew the husband from Raytheon. The menu is farm to table, and we really enjoyed what we ate.
I had a Napoleon cake for dessert that was made from carrots, beets, and parsnip. It was really delicious.

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