Sunday, August 9, 2015

10 Years

We celebrated 10 years of marriage. Sweetheart arranged for a "surprise" get-away.

We did that once before after Underfoot was born. I had my gallbladder out when he was 9 months old. Besides that our boys have never spent the night away from us.
When they were let in on the surprise by Sweetheart, they were thrilled to let us go.

Another tradition we have is our family birthday party.
Usually we celebrate at home with a nice meal and cake. We took the boys to The Melting Pot. Hurricane liked the Cheese and Dessert course.
Underfoot like the main and dessert course.
Hurricane failed his hearing test in both ears this year. He had fluid behind both ears. Dr. Soderberg treated it with a round of antibiotics and will retest in 6 weeks. If we get the same results, we will go to the next unknown step.

Piano lessons have started for Hurricane with Musikgarten. Underfoot continued with his private piano since he's completed the Musikgarten program.

The boys participated in a triathlon yesterday. They were super happy to compete against each other. They each finished with big smiles.
After the triathlon, we attended the school's bike rodeo. They are both hopeful they will win the bike raffle for completing the course.

A week ago Saturday the boys were invited to a rollerskating party.

They did okay. The rink had made PVC walkers to help new skaters.
I finished updating our blog, Lessons Line Upon Line, after many months of being WAY BEHIND. It is now current. I like having it up to date.

Sweetheart played a board game with friends on Friday night.

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