Monday, March 17, 2014

Birthday and Trains

Below are the highlights for each person.
Underfoot: He did a countdown for his birthday. 
He would tell anyone who would listen. His excitement was contagious. For his birthday, we celebrated with pizza and cake.
 He went to the pediatrician, and she said he is a health boy. 
 As he talked to her, he told her his favorite job was to clean the bathroom and hope to have a start up company to cleaning others' bathrooms. We are grateful for his kindness and zeal for learning.

Underfoot attended a symphony concert with his Dad. He has mentioned how he would like to see a cellist play. The visiting artist was a cellist. Underfoot liked the concert. He struggled to stay awake, and Sweetheart and he came home at intermission.
Hurricane: Sweetheart got tickets to a model train tour. Hurricane loves trains of any size. At each house, he attended he ran after the trains around each garden. 
He can't wait to go and see his next train. He is enamored with the number 100. He counts to 100 daily over many things. He has a goal to see or go on 100 trains this year.
Hurricane bonked his lip on the wooden bench in the front room. This is the day after. The wound never bled but bruised the gums.

Sweetheart: He is loving the project he is working on at work. He and a coworker have been given a task that was assumed to take 1 year to complete. Between the 2 of them, they have completed a large portion of the task in the last 6 weeks.

He reads to the boys before bed. Sometimes they all pass out.
He is perplexed by the aquaponics system as things aren't growing as he would have hoped. He is learning a lot about how it works and what to do to make it work well. He is very excited about our backyard with the growth of the trees with the blossoms and fruit growth.
Mama: Instead of my normal canning and running around, I've been doing a whole lot of recovering. The pinched nerve in my neck is healing very slowly. I am icing, having deep tissue work done in the area, stretching, being still as counseled, and asking for help. The last one is a learning curve for me. I did decorate Underfoot's cake to look like a monster. 

The boys during spring break have played at others's homes. One day we hosted a sidewalk chalk drawing. The goal was to use every little bit of chalk.

Be Well.

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