Monday, November 28, 2011

November 13

This letter comes one week late. The week previous we went 100 miles an hour and this week we got hit with being sick. Underfoot, Hurricane, and I were sick while Sweetheart worked 12 hour days for a project at work.

  • Sweetheart worked a lot of overtime to meet a deadline at work. He took one day off because boys were sick and I had registered for a continuing education conference for my licensure. Sweetheart would leave for work early each day and come home late.
  • I got ready for a $1 sale. A $1 sale is selling clothes or other items for $1 a piece. I went through all our clothes to organize and inventory what we had and what we didn’t need. I did it with a group of ladies. In the end, I donated a lot more clothes than I sold. It was a great way to purge and be prepared for the future.
  • On Tuesday I went to a conference on the brain. The topic was teaching the brain new habits and how the pathways within the brain are created. It was interesting to learn about how the hormones in our body will create automatic responses.
  • On Wednesday, Underfoot was diagnosed with a double ear infection. He had a high fever since Sunday evening until Thursday morning. He was a champ and would lay down when he was tired and sleep. Once he started the antibiotics his fever broke, and he started to feel better.
  • Underfoot played t-ball and has caught on to fielding. He loves to get the ball in the shortstop position and throw to first base.
  • Hurricane’s boundless energy finally slowed down, if for only a short while. At his doctor’s appointment, he was diagnosed with bronchitis and given breathing treatments along with an antibiotic. He hated doing the breathing treatments and would cry and cry. The crying helped the medication get into his lungs and his coughing went away. He would come and crawl in our bed and breath on me all night long. He shared with me his cold but not the bronchitis.
  • On Thursday a vintage steam engine #844 came through our neck of the woods. It is in commemoration of Arizona statehood in 1912. Hurricane is a HUGE fan of trains. He didn’t really care for the whistle but has asked frequently about riding the train since that day. He has even said we need to pack our clothes and go to the train for an overnight adventures.
  • We bought a fire pit a few months ago. In our efforts to get ready for the pie party, we cleaned the backyard and had a campfire. Hurricane thought it was too hot. Underfoot sat by the fire and just watched.
Be Well

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