Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Funny Stories

This week we’ve had a couple funny things happen.

Today during church K2 was a little bit fussy. Mama was holding him tightly on her lap when the sacrament bread tray was passed to our pew. Underfoot was the first to get it. He passed it to Mama. As she passed it to me, K2 took a huge handful of bread and stuffed it all in his mouth. It happened so fast that we were all shocked. Mama laughed so hard she turned red and started to cry. Underfoot consoled her, saying, “Don’t cry mama.” I’ve rarely seen Mama turn red from embarrassment, but it happened today. The family in the pew behind us watched the whole episode. The mother (who has six grown children) leaned over and told Mama it may have been the first time, but it certainly wasn’t going to be the last.

This morning K2 decided that he wanted to empty one of the drawers in the kitchen. He did multiple times. He then wanted to turn on the stove. He started by moving Underfoot’ stool in position so he could get to the knobs. I took the stool away. K2 then found another, shorter stool. I took it away. He found a laundry basket. I took it away. He then got a box. I took it away too. How do you spell persistent? K-2.

Some friends from PA, came for a short visit this week. They were out west dropping children off at College and came to visit family in Tucson. They brought Mama a new supply of Amish treats- various spices and elixirs available only in Central Pennsylvania from a wonderful Mennonite store called Peight’s. My mother-in-law loves the place, as does Mama. We’re grateful they took the time to come visit us.

On Monday after I left for work, Mama awoke to the door bell. A neighbor who walks her dogs every morning let her know that we had a bee hive growing in the tree in our front yard. I looked t it when I got home that night and it was scary! A mass the size of a football with bees completely covering the outside. On Tuesday I called a bee hive remover. He said to wait 24 hours. On Wednesday it was still there so Mama called to have him remove it on Friday morning. When I left for work Friday morning, the hive was totally gone. All that was left were three bees. We’ve checked the rafters on our house and our trees and shed. There is no sign of the bees. We’re grateful they are gone because some bees here are “African” or “killer” bees. We don’t want to find out the hard way.

1 comment:

Cyndy said...

Oh Thank you for sharing! In one way or another, or identically, I have been there! Laughing is the best way to get through it all!