Sunday, February 7, 2010

Digging holes

Monday: We ate our own home grown broccoli. It was sweet to the taste - stalk and all.

Tuesday: We planted an apple tree.

Wednesday: Underfoot got his hair cut. K2’s tooth cut through the gum, and he started to sit up on his own.

Thursday: We ran errands. During this process, K2 decided to explode out of his diaper. It wasn’t a subtle explosion but a wamm-banger. We were standing in the checkout line when the lady behind me told me the baby was poopy. I thanked her and then she pointed out that it was dropping in clumps on the floor. Embarrassment swept over me like a ton of bricks, stopping all rational thought. The lady asked if I needed a diaper or some wipes. No I needed a tub! During this time Underfoot decided he wanted to be the clerk at a different register, which got us into trouble with the actual checkout clerk. He was very obedient and came to me the first time I asked. Upon his return, he ran through the poop that had just plopped on the floor. K2 is just kicking his legs and smiling like it is the most fun he’s had in a while. The clerk asks if I want to buy my item, and I tell her I’ll have to do it later. Because it is ingrained in me, I saw some abandoned pennies on the floor and told Underfoot to pick them up on our way out the door. I couldn’t leave 6 cents just lying around. Again another plop of poop. We made it to the car, get buckled in, and the same lady asks if I need any help. I appreciate her kind gesture but want to get out of there so I can leave the scene of shame. All ended well.

Friday: We dug holes in anticipation of Saturday. Underfoot helped pick up rocks. He also played with a ball in the back yard.

Saturday: We got up early. It was going to be a busy day. In the morning we got ready for bountiful baskets. L4 added drip irrigation to our latest grape vines, a honeysuckle, and the tree we planted on Tuesday.

We went and did bountiful baskets. It took a little longer than usual. This week our site distributed 68 baskets, the most we’ve done to date. (The site maximum is 96!) We learned that some sites were filling up so fast that they were crashing the system. While distributing baskets, a friend loaned us their electric jack-hammer. (L4 described it as the most manly tool he has ever used- it weighs just under 80 lbs!)

We came home and had lunch. Super D. (this is what Underfoot calls our friend because he knows that she is so super.), Uncle, and children came to can spaghetti sauce and pear butter. While we canned, L4 planted a 4-in-1 pit fruit tree (peach, apricot, plum, nectarine), 2 gooseberry bushes, 4 raspberry stalks, garlic, and onions. We canned until 1 am with the fruits of our labors being 20 quarts spaghetti sauce and 11 1/2 pints pear butter plus 18 quarts spaghetti sauce for Super D.. The saucing machine saved us so much time so we didn’t have to manually deseed all of the tomatoes.

We will be traveling to California this coming week. If you live in the area, we would like to invite you to L4’s parents’ home on Sunday, February 14th between 6 - 8 pm for some conversation and treats.


Hilary said...

Oh man, I feel for you with that grocery store incident. I'm glad all ended well, but I'm sure that was embarassing.

Great job on the canning and all of your other accomplishments this week. I hope you have a great trip and a happy birthday!

The Millers said...

Wend, I'm so sorry that I didn't call you yesterday. We were in transit (I'm now at home with the padres) and I remembered your birthday, but forgot to call. I hope that you had a good day. Lots of love to you! Have fun in sunny's raining here. I guess it wouldn't be home if it were any other way. :)