Monday, January 11, 2010


This was a ho-hum week. Here’s a quick list.
 L4 returned to work on Monday. We returned to home chaos.
 The computer got fixed on Tuesday.
 Thursday we got a passport for the baby.
 Friday L4 fed K2 too much. He returned the favor by vomiting on Mama twice.
 Saturday we did bountiful baskets in the morning. We spent the afternoon cleaning and preparing for the Sabbath. In the midst of it Underfoot determined to have a little snack of brown sugar.We had supper with friends. After the boys went down, we got our first batch of items up into the attic storage space.

We picked a few HUGE turnips from our garden. They are quite good. The house still hasn’t returned to a blissful state of cleanliness. However, we are much closer to our goal.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hey, the house may not be "blissfully clean", but you made my night plenty blissful. Thanks for the great dinner & fun conversation last night!