Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Week 39 Through 41

Week 40We continued to get ready for Hurricane's coming baptism. Some of the projects that we worked on were preparing the Master bath shower for getting a glass surround and completing all the mending. Sweetheart had to take out the grout where mold has grown into the cracks and then refill the grout lines. He also needed to replace a cracked tile in the shower. We were very grateful to learn that the crack had not leaked water into the wall.

Since moving to Colorado, mending has not been a big priority.
I repaired about 20 pairs of pants for the menfolk in the house and a few odds and ends for myself. It was a big project. The sewing room got organized and cleaned up.

Hurricane had a science fair at his school. The bridge he built with Sweetheart was tested. His bridge broke at 10 pounds. He thought it would hold only 4 pounds. He also needed to build a diorama from going to the zoo.
He decided to build an Asian elephant display from Legos. He was thrilled when his Dad came to see it in the middle of the work day.

Underfoot participated in the District Pine Wood derby on Saturday. He thought he would have done better than he did. He did get a baseball cap that he hasn't taken off since he got it. So it was a win for him there.

Between Sweetheart and I we got the shower done. Such a happy moment. We went and got all the menfolk new tennis shoes since their shoes all had holes in them. Hurricane tried on a pair with gel insoles and sighed, "oh that feels good." He was so happy with new shoes. We almost sold the hot tub. If anyone is interested let us know.

Week 41
Hurricane spoke with our bishop about being baptized. He prepared a spiritual thought and was happy with what he shared.

We were so excited to have family come. We had two bathrooms left to get painted and I was determined to have that happen. I spent Monday and painted both bathrooms and doors. Sweetheart came home from work very surprised. They are the last two rooms to get painted. Only the basement has not been repainted.

This week was the last week of school for Hurricane and Underfoot. They both had field days where they played a lot. Underfoot went on a field trip on his last day of school.
After school I picked him up, and he got a picture with his two friends that he had made in this elementary school. We were very grateful for those friends. On the last day of school we took the boys for their compulsory end of school year ice cream.
They were very excited to have friends from Tucson join them.

Hurricane was so excited to have his family and the Earls family come for his baptism. The Earls came in the morning and played, rested, and hung out. Aunt Katie came with her children. No one wanted to go to bed.

Hurricane was up early on his birthday and baptism day. 
Kirky and Jilli came on an airplane early in the morning.

Grandpa and Grandma Locey came a little later by car.
We got ready and went to the church. We were grateful for all the people in our community who came to support and celebrate with Hurricane.

We are grateful for the help we had. The day was very special.

Kirk was so happy.

Week 42
On Sunday Hurricane was asked to read a scripture in sacrament meeting to the congregation. He shared 2 Corinthians 3:10. He introduced the scripture by saying we work in our family. He got a few chuckles.
After church Grandpa and Grandma Locey left for a cousin's high school graduation.
Kirky left that evening.

On Memorial Day, we went to the Denver Nature and Science Center. We really enjoyed the IMAX, Vikings exhibition, and space section. After we left the museum, Aunt Katie and Jilli went to visit a friend of Katie's, and Earls went to dinner with a friend in Denver. We were invited to a barbecue and got to know more people from our congregation.

Tuesday we went to Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods.

Pikes Peak is a scary drive up and down. It is our first fourteener (peak that is 14,000 feet or higher.) Colorado has 54 of them. We timed our visit perfectly before a rain storm.

The rock formations are beautiful.

The Earls returned to Tucson. When we took them to the airport, Jilli and Aunt Katie put our house back together. We were very grateful.

Be Well.

Hurricane's Baptism - Daddy and Mama

Hurricane's Baptism - Hurricane and Daddy

Hurricane's Baptism - A Silly Face

Hurricane's Baptism - Rae and Hurricane

Hurricane's Baptism - Underfoot

Hurricane's Baptism - Earls Family

Hurricane's Baptism - A Family Picture

View from Pike's Peak

View from Pike's Peak

 Denver Temple - Evening Time

 Bruise from Moving a Bed - Day 1

 Bruise from Moving a Bed - Day 3

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