Monday, January 14, 2019

Week 2 - Temple, Scout Camp Out

January 6 was the reason all the Grandparents came to town. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints announced in December 2018 the following: "Young men will be eligible for ordination to the appropriate priesthood office in January of the year they turn 12, 14, and 16." Underfoot was excited for the announcement change. He invited his Grandparents to join him. We are grateful for the sacrifice and efforts they have made.

Monday morning bright and early Kirky and Jilli went to the airport. They were headed to Arizona to pick up a new truck for Kirky. They bless our lives for their positive attitude and goodness.

Boys went to school. Sweetheart headed to work. Grandpa and Grandma Locey stayed at our house taking care of business before we headed to the airport for a midday flight. They blessed our lives by making the sacrifice to come and to meet the desire of their grandchildren to have them come visit. They took time to listen and be with us. For that we are grateful.​

​Life returned to normal that evening with us getting to know a new family in our congregation.

Hurricane had Pack Meeting and was awarded two achievements. He has the goal to complete his Bear badge by the Blue and Gold Banquet. We have some work to do if he's going to complete it. The hard one will be Baloo the Builder.

On Tuesday, ​Underfoot had training for the passing and individual nature of the sacrament​ for his activity. On Thursday, Underfoot attended the temple and had a really wonderful experience.
I was grateful that Sweetheart and I could attend with him. I'm grateful to the Gates family watch Hurricane while we attended.

Book Club was held at our house. We discussed Still Alice by Lisa Genova. The book is about someone who has early onset Alzheimer and how she and her family deals with it.

The men attended Donuts with Dad Friday morning. They have enjoyed this chance to hopefully according to Hurricane "have donuts for lunch too."

The first camp out of 2019 was held in our backyard. Underfoot came home from school and started to build a snow structure from the snow we had got that day.
The structure was then moved to be around the base of the trampoline. The Scouts built up the sides to make a snow fort with the top of the trampoline being the roof. They burned almost every candle we had to melt and freeze the inside. (Jilli we may need some of your candles...) They build a fire and stayed up late. Five boys slept in the structure. Two boys got wet. Hurricane slept the least and got up at 4 am to try and start a fire. He came in and got Sweetheart at 5 am.

The boys will remember it. The boys reported varying degrees of comfort in the fort. Some were hot, and some were cold. One boy got so hot, he broke down one of the walls. After sledding and s'mores around the fire in the early morning hours, they came in and created their annual plan for their 2019 activities. They asked for different people to teach the things they have set in place.

Hurricane slept about 4 hours midday because he didn't sleep so much that night. Sweetheart and Underfoot played Dominion with friends that afternoon. 

Be Well. 


 Mission Quilt

 Weight Loss

Snow Storm

Come Follow Points for the Week

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