Monday, October 20, 2014

Scorpions, Soccer, and Order Restored

Monday: We returned to real life. Sweetheart went to work with lots of problems. He returned home saying he'd be working a lot this week. Underfoot and Hurricane went to school, and I thought I would be lonely without them. They came home tired from trying to get back into the routine. I did laundry. It felt like mountains but wasn't. I finished at 10:30 pm with everything washed, folded, and put away.

Tuesday: School, work, drama club, soccer practice, and 6 weeks worth of ironing were done. (Yes. I iron. I even starch.) Sweetheart called informing me he had no idea what time he'd come home, and to plan on this until the end of the year. We had 2 visitors this week via the dishwasher on different days.
One scorpion was living and fast, and one had drowned on a lid. Sweetheart killed the fast, living one.

Wednesday: The Phoenix Temple open house is happening now. I took Underfoot and Hurricane to see.
We listened to a book on the car ride. They liked the chandeliers and the picture booth outside.
The some of the temple rooms are built in an oval shape and one room has a stain glass ceiling.

Thursday: I continued on the painting to get the house back together. We had soccer practice in the evening. The goal is to finish the one room by Saturday.

Friday: A friend came to help get our house in order. We emptied the 2nd bath of what is normally stored under the bed in the boys' room. One room was liberated of its temporary use. Sweetheart came home to pack and go on a young men's camp out. The friend and her husband showed up and helped finish the painting. It was a big help.

Saturday: I touched up paint and loaded furniture back into the room. One more room completed. Just need to hang the pictures. Sweetheart returned from camping tired. The boys played in their first soccer game.

They each had fun. We ran errands, and Hurricane passed out after having some food soon followed by Underfoot. We drive the International Harvester Scout.

Sunday: We attended church and ate our sugar baby watermelon for dinner.
Boys had Daddy Talks (15 minutes 1:1 time.) The front room is clean. Over 1/2 the house is back in order. Yippee!!!

Be well.

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