Monday, December 10, 2012

November 4


The big news for the week was Mama's Triathlon. She did great. She finished 15 minutes under her goal. Way to go Mama! I explained to the boys that Mama was competing against herself, and that she won by finishing the race. After the race, they went to her and said "Mama, you won!" It was a special moment for her. She is already scheming up her next race. I'm excited for her to make a life change. The fact that she has completed a triathlon is a great thing for her and for our family. (A fringe benefit is that certain clothing items are now a bit loose!)

We celebrated my birthday. Mama made me a pineapple cake, a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing, and chili. All the things I asked for.

On Halloween, Hurricane had multiple costume changes. He was a Thomas on the way to school and ended the day as a clown. The clown outfit he wore was the same one his Mama and Underfoot wore when they were 3 years old. Underfoot was a pirate. The principal of the school said they could wear their costumes. He wore the outfit ALL day long. On Thursday morning, he wanted to wear it again but alas school said you could wear the costume only 1 day. They enjoyed trick or treating. Hurricane was so tired he came home and put himself to bed. 

On Saturday night we decided to have a family movie night. Mama got Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. It was fun to remember the lines from the movie. Underfoot and Hurricane enjoyed the movie too.

Hurricane is working on potty skills. Tonight he came into the kitchen and announced, with all the pride of a confident three year old, " I peed!" "Where?" Mama asked. "On the Rocks!" (in the front yard!) Hurricane flirts with the idea of using the big boy potty, so we've decided not to buy any more disposable diapers. Another funny story for the week: Mama couldn't find her keys anywhere. She looked all over the house for them. She went outside and found them 'plugged in' to Hurricane's plastic play car.

Underfoot decided he wanted a new class today at church. There was a change in teachers, and for whatever reason he didn't want to go back. Mama told Underfoot that he'd have to ask to be changed to the other class. He went right up to the woman in charge and asked to sit with his friend in the other class. She agreed, and that was that.

On Friday morning I over seeded our new lawn with winter rye grass. Hopefully, the new grass will take root in time for the pie party. I'm worried that I may have waited too late. 2 weeks may not be enough. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Be Well.

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