Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15

On Tuesday afternoon, I spent time transferring our friends and family's email to a different computer. On Wednesday, Underfoot accidentally poured a glass of water on our computer killing it. In fact he came out and said I needed to go in and fix the computer because "it had died."  Sweetheart was successful in running a diagnostic on the computer yesterday, but the computer won't boot up on its own. We are in a little bit of limbo because it was the computer we watched movies on, stored our journal on, and had the last 6 months of pictures on. The best part is I didn't erupt like Mount Saint Helens in 1980.

Our project of the week was to sand, stain, and lacquer the bench that my parents built with  Sweetheart over their stay at New Year's. The boys would draw on the sidewalk while I would sand and stain (except for when they went to be at the computer and have water spilled on it). They started with simple things like hands, letters, rainbows and progressed in their drawings to missiles and missiles with guidance systems that blew up the bicyclists on our street. It was usually other children on the bikes. After they bored of drawing, they rode their bikes down our driveway hill (missing the missiles of course) to turn at the the last second to avoid rolling into the street. I can't accomplish the job after they go to bed because I'm too tired trying to keep them alive from giving me a heart attack.

Since September Underfoot has been asking  Sweetheart to teach his Joy School class. On Thursday,  Sweetheart taught. He read. He played. He instructed. He went head to head with 5 year old intelligence. He came off conqueror. Underfoot announced to the neighborhood in his loudest voice, "My Dad is teaching us TODAY!" He was so happy. Pictures were taken and will be shared at a later time.

Sweetheart and I went to the Tucson Symphony on Friday. I had bought the tickets at a school auction last April. We enjoyed being together.  Sweetheart asked how we could usher so maybe we could go more often. We'll see how that turns out. The kicker was it was nice to see "fresh young blood."

In Joy School, the children are working on goals. Hurricane made his own goal to sit on the potty. He jumped up in the middle of Joy School and ran to the potty to use it. He didn't come back and didn't come back. I found him as he was just pulling his whole bum out of the bowl of the potty. He said he fell in and that his bum was cold.  He had a very clean backside.

Be well.

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