Sunday, May 22, 2011


The summertime heat has started. The early part of May was a bit milder than normal. It has gotten warm (low 90s.) It will only get hotter.

With the heat comes the ice cream truck. I remember as a child the ice cream truck would come around and how I always wanted an ice cream. I remember that the answer was always no. Now that I am the daddy, every time that the ice cream truck goes by, I hope that he does not stop. I don’t want to have to say no to my
children. Perhaps it is natural for a parent to want to say yes to a child whenever possible. I think I turned out the way I did in large part because I learned early that if I wanted something, I would have to work for it.

Hurricane frequently tells us that he wants pancakes. His facial expressions are one of God’s gifts to parents. His happy expressions melt my heart.

Mama has been working hard to keep our house in order. It is not easy, but somehow she manages. This  week Hurricane pulled several keys off the key board of our computer. His curiosity is never satisfied. I’m grateful that Mama is patient with him. Both boys recognize when they need to be obedient to Mama. They are not always immediately obedient but do follow through. 

Underfoot is very patient with his brother. Hurricane has a tendency to bite, hit, punch (verses hit), kick, pull  hair, and fake shoot Underfoot. Underfoot is patient for hours at a time and then when we (the parents) are  out of the room he will retaliate with one hit. Hurricane melts into tears. It is hard to have any empathy or  sympathy for Hurricane when this happens. Underfoot knows he shouldn’t. He is 4 years old and does his  best to be the best brother he can be. The irony is that if Underfoot isn’t in the room for bed Hurricane  worries and asks where is his brother is. This is true brotherly love. Hurricane wants so much to be a big boy and is getting there much faster than Underfoot.

Yesterday we rebuilt a closet - closet that got tore apart to put in a food rotating system but the closet was  built funky by the builder. The new arrangement is more organized than the last closet. We will have places to  store crayons, markers, paper, and other junk that cluttered the room.

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