Sunday, February 21, 2010


We made it back to Arizona on Monday evening. A friend was kind enough to pick us up from the airport and then feed us that night because there was no food in our fridge. (That’s what happens when you’re gone for nearly a week.) Mama and I spent the rest of the week getting back to normal life. We’ve had a difficult time getting our house in order after being gone for a few days. It seems like we cannot get everything picked up and straightened up after our trip. We did come home from CA with a few treasures from my childhood.

On Saturday we went up to Phoenix to be a part of my nephew’s baptismal service. After the baptism, we went back to my sister’s home for a light luncheon and visiting with family and friends. Underfoot played with his cousins and had a lot of fun running around. He particularly liked jumping on a small trampoline and then jumping into a large bean bag.

Mama has been working hard to beautify our home. This week we ran some errands after work. We got some irrigation parts for our garden boxes. We also got Mama some plastic organizers for her sewing supplies. Mama’s talent as a seamstress is blossoming, and I insisted that we get her the tools she needs to expand her talent. My mom gave her some sewing supplies (including an old sewing machine) so Wendy needed a way to organize all her items. Plus, the Maud room (ask Mama who Maud is) is now much cleaner because all of her sewing stuff is in one place.

When we returned home from CA, we discovered lots of exciting growth in our yard. We have new growth on all of our trees, in our garden boxes, and on all of our berry plants. We hope to harvest berries this year and are excited about our apple and pit fruit trees. Both trees have been in the ground for less than a month, but are showing signs of life! It is exciting for us to see the fruits of our labors.

K2 has begun pulling himself up to a standing position whenever given the chance. Today in church he crawled around while Underfoot slept. During the third hour he began to stand up, using the grandpa seated in front of me. The kind gentleman (obviously a grandpa) picked him up. Within seconds K2 was asleep.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Wow, with all of this rain & cold (sort of) weather, you should get some good berries this year. Let me know if I can help take any of them off your hands!