Sunday, March 22, 2009


L4 finished filling the garden boxes!!! We have planted 5 of 6 boxes, and things are beginning to sprout. I enjoy going outside to water and get a daily update on the growth progress. I also transplanted pumpkins and cantaloupe we started 4 weeks ago in family home evening. We also planted watermelon, muskmelon, cucumbers, and lavender. Underfoot helps water almost everyday and gets the stickers from the ground in his socks. He calls them “owies.”

To our surprise, the Thompson grape vine we planted has started to grow leaves. We have had it in the ground for about 3 weeks and thought it was dead. We were very excited. L4 has borrowed a rototiller to till up our backyard. He started and has found more rocks than dirt in the ground. It may take us a few weeks to get the ground ready to plant more things. As I was working outside the other day, I thought of Isaiah’s saying about the desert blossoming as the rose. (Isaiah 35) We are excited to see what will happen over the course of the summer.

When we left to go to the Locey family reunion in February, I ran a red light that takes pictures. This red light infraction cost only $300 or a mere $194 to take a 5 hour class so the ticket could get dismissed. Yesterday, I attended traffic school to learn what the law is in Arizona. I learned that
  • A 5-point harness is to be used until a child is 5 years old.
  • Running a red light occurs when the front bumper is over the curb line.
  • A chevron sign helps you turn a corner.
  • A medical emergency is not a reason to speed.
  • A fire engine and ambulance have no authority to direct traffic.
  • There is a stretch of freeway in Arizona that is 85 mph.
While I was in school, L4 went to the cannery and increased our food rotation.

Underfoot caught a cold at the family reunion in February. He was almost better when he started to get his last set of molars in and got sick all over again. He then shared his cold with his Daddy and then his Mama. The cold hit L4 pretty hard last weekend. It is my turn this week.

We went to dinner at L4’s coworker’s home. They have chickens, and Underfoot wasn’t sure what to think of them. We hope to eventually get some laying hens.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I didn't take you for a lead foot. But now I know better :) Those camera's are tricky! Hope your family is feeling better.